Free sessions

Free sessions at the Natural Fertility Clinic

Fertility solutions is excited to announce that we will be offering free sessions with the Natural fertility clinic. They offer acupuncture, fertility and nutritional advice. The free sessions will be on a first come first served basis when booking a semen analysis at any of our 6 clinics. This includes our London, Slough, Maidenhead and Tunbridge Wells male fertility testing clinics.

The free sessions will include a full consultation with a complimentary specialist to assess your fertility needs and a session of acupuncture this session usually costs £60.

Some more information from the Natural fertility clinic…..

Acupuncture is a system of healing which draws on over two thousand years of experience from China and the Far East. Acupuncture works by rebalancing the body’s flow of energy. Illness can occur when the flow of energy around the body is blocked, or is uneven, and this causes symptoms.

By inserting fine needles at specific points on the body, the acupuncturist can stimulate the body’s own healing response to restore a healthy balance. Patients often have a sense of wellbeing after treatment, in addition to a reduction in their symptoms. This is because acupuncture treats the physical discomfort and the emotional state as a whole.

There are different causes of infertility: some are known – issues with ovulation, tubal damage, low sperm count or low sperm quality – and some are unknown. For all causes of infertility it can be a devastating blow to a couple that they are having difficulty conceiving.


Research has been carried out that begins to explain how acupuncture may benefit fertility issues. Acupuncture may be able to help in a number of ways by:

  • regulating fertility hormones
  • increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs
  • counteracting the effects of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Some of the issues that women come for treatment are:

  • irregular periods
  • no signs of ovulation
  • painful periods, endometriosis
  • PCOS
  • improve IVF treatment outcomes
  • threatened miscarriage
  • morning sickness
  • stress
  • turning breech presentation babies
  • to induce labour

What happens during a treatment?

The acupuncturist will ask questions about your symptoms, your medical history, and general questions about your diet and lifestyle in order to build a complete picture of your health. Then appropriate acupuncture points for your individual treatment can be selected.

Where are the acupuncture points?

There are acupuncture points all over the body in a network going up and down the arms and legs, and over the head. The most common points are in the lower arms and legs, and on the abdomen.

Does it hurt?

The needles are so fine that often a patient can’t feel the needle once it is in. There can be a dull ache or heavy feeling around the point but it should not be painful.

Will it help?

Treating fertility issues can sometimes take a while, and patients want to know if acupuncture is helping. If you are responding to acupuncture you will notice the benefits. For example your cycle may become more regular, periods are less painful, less PMT, and more obvious signs of ovulation. You may also notice you have more energy, are sleeping better, and you are less irritable. All these changes indicate that acupuncture is helping to balance the flow of your energy around your body.

For more information, please visit

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