Ms Erica Foster

Consultant Embryologist - Male Fertility

Ms Erica Foster

Erica holds a BSc in Molecular Genetics, an MSc in Human Reproduction and the ACE Certificate in Clinical Embryology. Having worked in reproductive science for 11 years, she has helped countless people build their families. Erica has set up a new donor sperm bank within a large NHS Hospital in North London. She also works part-time as an embryologist in one of UK’s largest and most successful private IVF clinics.

Erica is highly skilled in male fertility diagnostics and is one of the foremost technicians in locating and identifying sperms during sperm mapping and biopsy procedures.

Erica is one of the most highly trained embryologists in the UK in sperm donation, freezing and transportation law. Erica is renowned for her expert ability in male diagnostics, identifying subtle abnormalities dismissed by less expert examination giving her unparalleled success in this field.

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