When Your Semen Analysis Results Are Misleading

We receive numerous inquiries from patients who have been told their semen analysis results are abnormal and that they are infertile, based on tests from the NHS or other clinics. In many cases, this conclusion is simply incorrect.

Understanding Reference Ranges

The World Health Organization (WHO) established reference ranges for semen analysis many years ago. However, these are just guidelines. They do not definitively determine fertility or infertility. The true indicator of male fertility is a successful pregnancy, which can occur even with sperm counts below the WHO's "normal" range.

The Importance of Clinical Context

The real value of semen analysis lies in understanding the results within a clinical context, considering the couple's specific circumstances. For example, a man with 12 million sperm per milliliter technically has a low sperm count. However, if he already has children and has only been trying to conceive for a short time, labeling him as infertile would be illogical and incorrect.

The Psychological Impact

Misinterpreting semen analysis results can create unnecessary fertility problems. When a man is incorrectly told he has a low sperm count, it can negatively impact his mental well-being. This misinformation can lead couples to believe natural conception is impossible, causing them to stop trying to conceive naturally, which can be a significant mistake.

Expert Interpretation is Crucial

Semen analysis results should always be interpreted by male fertility consultants and professionals who can accurately assess a man's true fertility potential. This expert evaluation ensures that couples receive the correct information and guidance on their fertility journey.

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When Your Semen Analysis Results Are Misleading