Online Fertility Tests

We now live in a world where we can get information at the drop of a hat. We only need to google our symptoms and we can start to diagnose ourselves and maybe even order ourselves some online fertility tests.

At Fertility Solutions, we categorically advise you not to do order online fertility tests, especially as male infertility is very poorly understood by many in a professional capacity.

Ordering yourself lots of tests on the internet will only create confusion and anxiety for you and your partner. online fertility tests can also be very overpriced and often quite unnecessary.  So, we recommend that if you do consider yourself to have a male fertility issue you get properly, clinically assessed. This should be done by a urologist specialising in male fertility who can lead and guide you through the process of improving and understanding your male fertility needs.

There are plenty of online fertility tests services that are quite happy to allow you to order all kinds of tests over the internet. However, the problem with this is that very few of these facilities offer a proper discussion of the results let alone a full clinical assessment and examination. This is crucial if you want to gain any insight from the tests. Your GP will agree, if in doubt talk to them first!

Self-treating, especially, in the area of male fertility almost always results in false diagnosis and increase anxiety in a situation that is already quite emotionally heightened. Even more so if you and your partner have been trying for longer than a year and are worried about the situation.

Ordering a semen analysis is a good place to start, as long as you have a consultant to discuss the results with. At Fertility Solutions, we offer this as standard as we feel it is very important if we are going to do a test to be able to support you clinically with the results afterwards. We do this for just £165 because we feel it is very important for men’s fertility to be handled in a clinically professional and appropriate way.

How male fertility can affect anyone
When Your Semen Analysis Results Are Misleading
Testing Your Sperm at Home