Fertility Solutions Blog

Stay up to date with Fertility Solutions and the world of fertility. Our blog is updated regularly with thoughts, information and advice from our expert team.

sperm dna fragmentation testing
Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing
male fertility test
Male fertility test
parenthood in later life
Parenthood in later life
Semen Analysis or Sperm Count?
Male fertility semen analysis, a blunt tool alone
couples fertility service
Couples Fertility Service
Are all sperm tests equal?
No sperm
The secret shame of having no sperm
The male infertility crisis
The male infertility crisis
Free sessions
Male Infertility
The Male Infertility Injustice
Improving Male Fertility - The Facts!
Seeds of concern
Seeds of concern
fertility article
Fertility article
The Natural Fertility clinic
The Natural Fertility clinic – Complimentary Therapy
Testing your sperm at home
Testing your sperm at home
sperm test
Sperm test London
sperm facts
Sperm facts or fiction
Don’t wait a year
Testing your sperm at home
Changing the face of male fertility testing
Surgical sperm retrieval
low sperm count
Obstructive azoospermia study
semen analysis results
Micro-dissection sperm retrieval
Algorithm to predict pregnancy
Testing your sperm at home
The paternal genome
Testis sparing surgery for small testicular masses
Salvage micro-dissection testicular sperm extraction
male fertility treatment and advice
Male fertility treatment and advice
Supporting IVF at home and abroad
fertility solutions
In the Press
male fertility causes
Male fertility
semen analysis or sperm count
Semen analysis or sperm count
FAQs fertility solutions
FAQs – some concerns and questions
improving male fertility fertility solutions
Improving male fertility